About Me
I'm a life-long resident of the Sacramento area, with family ties that are deeply rooted in the community. I've lived on the same street in Antelope for nearly 15 years. My wife is also a life-long Sacramento resident. My father is a retired Folsom-Cordova teacher and my mother is a retired UCDMC medical secretary. My mother-in-law was also a local teacher, and my father-in-law is a genuine living hero that fought in WWII, Korea, & Viet Nam. (Family Album)
I learned my craft the old-fashioned way, from the bottom up. I started as a teenager, literally digging ditches and hauling supplies. I worked into roofing and rough framing. Through the years, I was able to be trained in carpentry, drywall, painting, plumbing, electrical, and even steel. Eventually, I spent several years working for a local steel fabricator as a project coordinator, where I worked on portions of the Lincoln Plaza and Sacramento Light-Rail projects. In 1990, I began working on roof beams under a now retired general contractor. Finally, I went to a trade a school and earned my General Building Contractor's License in 1995. I've specialized in all-things-roof-beam ever since, even receiving a Patent (opens new window) in 2002 for inventing a tool accessory that made working at heights, i.e. roof beam work, safer. The name "The Beam Guy" was bestowed on me by a beam restoration client who began referring me to friends as The Beam Guy.
My Personal Building Code:
It's not just a job, it's a house. It's not just a house, it's a home -- your home.
I am a guest at your home and I behave like one, i.e. I clean up after myself, arrive and leave at respectable hours, etc.
I only do and say things I would do in front of my mother.
My appearance is such that your mother wouldn't disapprove.
I return all of your calls.
I am on time.
You hired me, you get me. I do all of my own work.
I am not just a builder, I am a craftsman.
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