(This article was originally published in the
Sacramento Bee, Saturday, November 13 2004)
What do you do when you've filled a conventional house
with modern furniture?
"Look for a modern house to put it all in," says graphics
designer Dane Henas, explaining why he purchased
home in South Land Park two years ago.
The modern house he bought was actually built in 1954
and is known as an "Eichler," named for Bay Area
developer Joseph Eichler who constructed homes in
California between 1949 and 1974.
While today's new-home construction leans toward two-
story stucco hulks, Eichler's low-slung structures stand
out like a '56 T-Bird in a parking lot of SUVs.
Eichler built only 60 homes in Sacramento. He did most
of his construction in the Bay Area (10,365 homes). He
also built 575 homes in Southern California and three in
New York. His influence here, however, can be found in
some 3,000 houses built between 1957 and 1988 by
local developers Jim and Bill Streng.
Seen as quintessentially Californian, Eichler and Streng
homes are highly regarded in architectural circles.
Articles featuring them pop up regularly in such
magazines as Sunset and Dwell.
"They had a huge influence on affordable modernism,"
says Dwell magazine senior editor Andrew Wagner.
"Well-designed homes for the middle-income person,
they were - and are - very good places in which to live."
There are, of course, other modern homes. But they're
mainly custom designed and built. Eichlers and Strengs
are unusual in that they were built in tracts and
competed with conventional tract developments for
Strange, funky and still avant-garde, the Eichler and
Streng homes were constructed for parents of baby
boomers. Ned Eichler, Joseph's son and marketing
manager, once told an interviewer: "Our market was
really selling to people with upper middle-class taste
and lower middle-class incomes."
Now, however, Eichler and Streng homes are highly
prized older homes. Some Eichlers have gone for more
than $1 million in the Bay Area, although most
Sacramento Eichlers and Strengs currently are in the
$400,000 to $600,000 range.
Such prices probably would shock Eichler, despite his
pride in the distinctiveness of his homes. He sold them
for $20,000 or less.
David Heitz, a Coldwell Banker real estate agent who
specializes in Streng homes and lives in one himself,
thinks the main appeal of modern homes is that they
"beautifully blur the line between indoors and outdoors
and represent California living at its best."
Although not an architect, Eichler, who died in 1974,
was influenced by pioneer modernist architect Frank
Lloyd Wright. His interest began when he lived in a
rented Wright home in Hillsborough in the 1940s.
"Eichler built what he liked," says Paul Adamson,
author of the coffee-table volume "Eichler: Modernism
Rebuilds the American Dream." "He had modern
sensibilities, but these attracted only a certain
segment of society, essentially the socially progressive
and creative."
Looking to build more contemporary-styled homes, the
Streng brothers checked out Eichler's homes and met
with him several times, says Jim Streng, now 74. "At
one point Eichler even proposed that we merge our
businesses. It never happened, though, because there
were some things we just didn't see eye to eye on. But
we respected his work tremendously." (Jim Streng left
the home building business to run for county
supervisor; he was elected and served from 1986 to
1992. His brother, Bill, 78, closed the building
business two years after Jim left.)
Eichler and Streng houses have achieved a cultlike
status among owners and would-be owners, complete
with clubs, meetings, newsletters and referral services.
San Franciscan Marty Arbunich noticed interest in such
homes burgeoning in the early '90s and started the
"Eichler Network," a quarterly newsletter and Web site
(www. eichlernetwork.com) to help interested people
share their enthusiasm, compare notes on remodeling
and offer referrals for repair services.
Nevertheless, even during Eichler's heyday, nine out of
10 new-home buyers opted for other home styles.
Many considered Eichlers and Strengs too extreme
then; many still would today.
"They're not for everyone," says Richard Gutierrez, who
with his partner, Paul Torrigino, bought a 42-year-old
Streng home in the Overbrook area two years ago.
"We thought they were really cool. We love all the light
and space and the '60s look."
What distinguishes Streng or Eichler homes, each of
which have a variety of floor plans, from most other
homes? A mix of some or all of the following:
Few or no windows at the front but plenty of glass (often
floor to ceiling) almost everywhere else with glass
doors opening to the back and side yards; flat or nearly
flat roofs; large overhangs; high ceilings; post and
beam construction with ceiling beams exposed;
atriums; minimal internal walls and doors; merging of
living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens with one
another and seemingly with the outdoors.
From the street, both Eichlers and Strengs tend to be
inconspicuous, looking like little more than wooden
walls with landscaping. Entry doors often are on the
side, making the front a complete blank. Inside and
from the yards, however, their beauty shines.
Irene Koutchis, who recently and quite reluctantly
decided to sell the Eichler home in South Land Park
that she and her late husband bought in 1956, says,
"I love the privacy the lack of front windows gives and
the openness of all the other glass. It gives you the
feeling of living indoors and outdoors at the same
Jon Siler, a former furniture store owner who
introduced modern style furniture to Sacramento, has
lived in a Streng home since 1966.
"I bought it mainly for the looks," says Siler. "But it's
more than that. For me, Streng is a way of life. I love its
easy access to and emphasis on the outdoors. I love
the simplicity, the openness, the high open beamed
ceiling and the clerestory windows up near the ceiling
which light up the rooms while giving privacy."
Tom Graham and his wife, who are buying an Eichler
home, faced the same dilemma as Dane Henas:
finding the right home to match their modern furniture.
"We read about the Eichlers in magazines dealing
with modern furniture and thought they might be for
Graham, as almost all Eichler fans, likes the
"openness and how the house becomes one with the
"That's their real charm - the way they suit the
California climate, landscape and lifestyle," says
author Adamson.
No builder is building tract homes like Eichler or the
Strengs today. If you want a new modern-style home,
it has to be custom built.
"Modern design, obviously, never had universal
appeal," says Adamson. "That's one reason no one is
building them. Another is that they're not that easy to
Jim Streng adds another reason:
"With today's energy requirements and all their glass,
they'd be much harder to make and sell at a
competitive price.
"It's a pity, though. I'm surprised no builder has figured
out a way."
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
The open floor plan of this Eichler home
allows light from the living room to pour
into the kitchen as well. Irene Koutchis
says of the house she bought in South
Land Park in 1956: "It gives you the
feeling of living indoors and outdoors at
the same time." .
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
Dane Henas stands in the living room of
his Eichler home in South Land Park.
The graphic designer has long been a
fan of mid-20th century furniture and
bought the Eichler dwelling to house his
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
Streng Bros. houses, such as this one in
the Overbrook area, look very much like
Eichler designs. The builders admired
each other's work and at one time thought
of merging their businesses. Eichler built
homes between 1949 and 1974; the
Streng Bros. closed their business in the
late '80s.
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
Another Eichler design, this one is in
South Land Park.
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
Richard Gutierrez stands in the kitchen of
the Streng house he bought with Paul
Torrigino two years ago. Gutierrez says:
"We fell in love with our house when we
first saw it. We love all the light and space
and the '60s style architecture."
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
The kitchen of Richard Gutierrez' and Paul
Torrigino's home practically merges with
the patio making for easy entertaining.
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
A wall of glass in a dining room in South
Land Park shows how the Eichler homes
blend the indoors with the outdoors, a
major attraction for their owners.
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer
The windows in an Eichler home face
mostly toward a secluded back yard, the
solid front offering privacy from the street.

A 1950 advertisement in the
Daily Palo Alto Times newspaper
for Eichler homes. Price: $9,400.